Partners for Progress

The Internet of Water pilot projects are extensive collaborations

with our partners. We value these opportunities to address challenges to integrated water management and view these partnerships as

critical to our success.


Pilot Projects

Pilots are a critical component of quantifying the benefits of integrated water data, and garnering support and investment for the data infrastructure needed for sustainable water management.

Mike Lewinsky @Unsplash

New Mexico

New Mexico’s water management challenges are complex and well known. One critical attribute of these challenges is the ability of the state, local, and tribal leaders and stakeholders to marshal data and information necessary to support sustainable water management decisions.

The Internet of Water is collaborating with New Mexico to support their efforts at integrating water data from across the state from various agencies and stakeholders.


The Internet of Water is supporting partners in California on a series of projects to support the The Open and Transparent Water Data Act of 2016 (AB1755). These include exploration of an early warning system for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and other efforts relating to water quality in partnership with the state and local stakeholders.

Tim Mossholder @Unsplash

Avery Steadman @Unsplash

North Carolina

The Internet of Water is working with stakeholders in North Carolina to support resilience and mitigation planning, particuarly for water utilities.


In Texas, the Internet of Water is working with state agencies and other stakeholders to support the Texas Water Data Initiative which includes the development of use cases designed to address some of Texas’ most pressing water management issues.

Matthew Lejune @Unsplash