Register for the Internet of Water P2P Networks Affiliation*I am employed by a state, local, or tribal government agencyI am employed by a water utilityI am employed by a river basin commissionI work for a non-profit organization concerned with water issuesI conduct research related to water at an academic institutionI am a studentOtherUsername* Password* Confirm Password*First Name* Last Name* E-mail Address* Phone Number Job Title* Department Organization or Agency* City Tribal Affiliation State*Alabama (AL)Alaska (AK)American Samoa (AS)Arizona (AZ)Arkansas (AR)California (CA)Colorado (CO)Connecticut (CT)Delaware (DE)District of Columbia (DC)Federated States of Micronesia (FM)Florida (FL)Georgia (GA)Guam (GU)Hawaii (HI)Idaho (ID)Illinois (IL)Indiana (IN)Iowa (IA)Kansas (KS)Kentucky (KY)Louisiana (LA)Maine (ME)Marshall Islands (MH)Maryland (MD)Massachusetts (MA)Michigan (MI)Minnesota (MN)Mississippi (MS)Missouri (MO)Montana (MT)Nebraska (NE)Nevada (NV)New Hampshire (NH)New Jersey (NJ)New Mexico (NM)New York (NY)North Carolina (NC)North Dakota (ND)Northern Mariana Islands (MP)Ohio (OH)Oklahoma (OK)Oregon (OR)Palau (PW)Pennsylvania (PA)Puerto Rico (PR)Rhode Island (RI)South Carolina (SC)South Dakota (SD)Tennessee (TN)Texas (TX)Utah (UT)Vermont (VT)Virgin Islands (VI)Virginia (VA)Washington (WA)West Virginia (WV)Wisconsin (WI)Wyoming (WY)Organizational Website (URL) Thank you for your interest in joining the Internet of Water (IoW) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network! Please complete the information below for your public profile in the IoW P2P directory.Work: What area(s) of work do you focus on?Emergency management and/or hazard mitigation or resilience (e.g., flooding, drought)Coastal and/or marine waters and ecosystemsRegulations and/or regulatory functionsTribal liaisonWater quality (e.g., microbiological, chemical, benthic, etc.)Water quantity and/or water resourcesWater-related utilities and services (e.g., water supply, wastewater, water reuse, stormwater, etc.)OTHER areas of work (separate multiple fields with commas): Areas of Expertise: In which disciplines or areas do you have expertise?Biological sciences (e.g., microbiology, biology, ecology, agriculture, etc.)ChemistryClimatology, meteorology, and/or climate changeData science and/or statisticsEconomics and/or financeEnvironmental or civil engineering, environmental science, and/or environmental managementGeological sciencesPolicy, planning, and/or other social sciencesWater resources engineering and/or managementOTHER areas of expertise (separate multiple fields with commas): Skillset: What are your skills and strengths?Computer science, IT, software development, and/or computer programmingData management, analysis, and/or visualizationEngineeringFieldworkGIS and/or spatial modelingLaboratory methods/techniques (e.g., chemistry, microbiology, benthic, other)Policy and/or policy analysisResearchStakeholder engagement and/or participatory techniquesSurface water and/or groundwater modelingOTHER skills (separate multiple fields with commas): (Optional) Suggest a topic below for our quarterly webinar series on water data.Mailing list opt-inI would also like to join the IoW mailing list.How did you hear about the IoW P2P Network?*IoW newsletter or emailIoW websiteTwitterLinkedInFacebookWord of mouthSearch enginePrintWorkshop or conferenceWaDECUAHSIAssociation (e.g., RWA, AWRA, AWWA,etc.)OtherOther ways you heard about the P2P network... Please type "Water" Only fill in if you are not human