Lilli Watson

Science Communications Associate, Internet of Water
Water Policy Program, Nicholas Institute, Duke University
Lilli Watson is the science communications associate for the Internet of Water. Before moving back to her hometown of Durham, North Carolina, Lilli was the project development coordinator for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation’s Green Infrastructure Unit. In this position, she worked closely with representatives from the Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Transportation on citywide green stormwater infrastructure initiatives. Before her work with NYC Parks, she worked for The Battery Conservancy, a non-profit organization whose mission is to revitalize The Battery—a 25-acre historic park at the southern tip of Manhattan. While living in New York, she earned a Master of Science in Sustainable Environmental Systems from Pratt Institute’s Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment. She has also instructed numerous US Green Building Council-certified courses for the Green Building Research Institute on topics ranging from biophilic design to coastal resilience.