by Lillian Watson | Jul 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
IoW Webinar Slides: Streamflow data are critical for decision-makers from local to regional scales who are responsible for an array of topics ranging from real-time water management to long-term water resources planning. Through this project we engaged a stakeholder advisory group to identify and compile critical streamflow monitoring metadata from 32 different organizations across the Pacific Northwest and created an interactive data visualization. We also distributed a survey to capture information about the organizations monitoring networks and quality assurance protocols and convened roundtable discussions in each state to gain additional insight into the challenges that organizations are facing and to identify priorities in regard to improved quality and accessibility of streamflow data.
by Lillian Watson | May 1, 2023 | Library, Presentations
The Western States Water Council (WSWC) has completed the development of the first stage of the Western States Water Data Access and Analysis Tool (WestDAAT). WestDAAT will improve data visualization and streamline water data sharing for eighteen states in the western US. The new tool is the latest phase of the WSWC’s Water Data Exchange (WaDE) program, launched in 2011. WestDAAT encourages data sharing through a common system that improves access to and analysis of public water rights and water use data by providing this data in standardized, machine-readable formats. For the first time, WestDAAT provides access to information about surface water and groundwater prior-appropriation rights, serving approximately 2.5 million users.
by Lillian Watson | Mar 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
States struggle to complete Clean Water Act Assessments due to the complexity of gathering and analyzing massive datasets. Arizona used free open-source software to reduce the time it takes to generate an assessment from 9 months to 15 minutes. In these webinar slides, Jason Jones, Senior Scientist at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, demonstrates how Arizona’s publicly accessible interactive Water Quality Assessment Dashboard provides full transparency behind each decision and informs users of what additional data is needed to fill data gaps.
by Lillian Watson | Mar 6, 2023 | Library, Presentations
DataStream Initiative is a Canadian charity dedicated to advancing freshwater protection through open data flows. Their core programming includes a free, online platform for sharing water quality data, which was first launched in 2016. It provides a place for monitoring programs of all kinds to publish their results publicly – in secure, open, and accessible formats that support data (re)use. In this webinar, we will explore how DataStream is contributing to a growing open data system of systems and helping to advance collaborative water stewardship. We’ll take a tour through the platform and some of the twists and turns in our evolution and growth. Importantly, we’ll share the lessons learned along the way and key insights from our work in the open data space. We will finish off by discussing what is next for DataStream in the years ahead.
by Lillian Watson | Feb 6, 2023 | Library, Presentations
HydroShare is a trusted open-source data repository for the water community. In this webinar, users will learn the ins and outs and best practices of storing, sharing, collaborating on, and publishing data in HydroShare. We will also cover how to use CUAHSI’s free apps like CUAHSI JupyterHub and MATLAB online in conjunction with HydroShare.