
Type: Infographics
Categories: IoW General Information
A 2-page brief that discusses the Internet of Water, its philosophy, and some of its approaches.

Type: Documents
Categories: IoW General Information
A brief interview with Greg Gearheart, highlighting some of the challenges faced and solutions learned by his agency regarding water data management.

Type: Documents
Categories: Data Stories
The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (Water Authority) of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been expanding its advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) program since 2011. As of 2019, 49% of its 200,000 accounts have been replaced with AMI-enabled meters. The Water Authority harnesses the high-resolution water usage, along with other AMI data, to benefit their employees, customers, operations, and water resources.

Type: Documents
Categories: IoW General Information
A brief interview with Adel Abdallah, highlighting some of the challenges faced and solutions learned by his agency regarding water data management.

Type: Presentations
Categories: Educational Materials
A webinar presented by the Internet of Water’s State Agency Peer-to-Peer Network. Are you wrestling with digitizing historic data, integrating datasets from within or between organizations, or publishing your data online? What are your most pressing questions about modernizing your water data infrastructure? The Internet of Water’s Data Architect, Kyle Onda, will answer questions submitted by members of the IoW State Agency P2P Network, as well as accept questions from webinar participants on all things water data.

Type: Documents
Categories: Data Stories
Established in 1994, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper (CRK) is a non-governmental and community science organization based out of Atlanta, GA that is dedicated to the protection, preservation, and stewardship of the Chattahoochee River and its watershed. Over the last two and a half decades, the work of CRK, the communities in which they work, and the City of Atlanta have and continue to create a cleaner Chattahoochee River that attracts more recreation, wildlife, and economic development.

Type: Documents
Categories: Technical
A description of how the Internet of Water is designed to help find, access, and use data collected by different agencies with different purposes, standards, formats, and platforms.

Type: Presentations
Categories: Educational Materials
Is your state or region wrestling with the development of a water budget or water accounting? The California Department of Water Resources has compiled guidance, methods, and examples of water budgeting in the Draft Handbook for Water Budget Development: With or Without Models. In this webinar, handbook authors Abdul Khan, Todd Hillaire, and Paul Shipman will present an overview of the Water Budget Handbook, answer questions about water budgeting, and solicit feedback.

Type: Documents
Categories: Educational Materials, Technical
The Internet of Water partnered with the California State Water Resources Control Boards, The Commons, CA Tribes, and NGOs to develop a process to ingest non-state data into the state system for monitoring and notification on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). The resulting framework provides a guide for states who wish to expand their capacity by incorporating non-state data.

Type: Documents
Categories: Data Stories
In this Q&A with the IoW, George discusses the role of data in NRC’s water quality monitoring work. The conversation covers NRC’s relationships with three state agencies and the developement of the NC Carolina Aquatic Data Hub.