IoW launches new website today!
Welcome to the Internet of Water network! No matter what your interest in water or water data is, we are glad to have you involved. The Internet of Water (IoW) is a vast yet simple idea: water challenges are large and growing and everyone can benefit from better access to water data. Why is it easier to find a video of kittens going down a slide than it is to find out about your local stream? The challenge is first societal, then technical.
People and institutions have to first agree to share, exchange, and manage water data in a more open, modern way before meaningful technical investments can be made. First the community must wrestle with and agree on common definitions and common goals for sharing water data.
The IoW intends to demonstrate the value of open, FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable (does it work with my stuff), and Re-usable) water data to help communities address water problems, gain new insights about their water resources, and ultimately, for both communities and ecosystems to thrive through sustainable water resource management and stewardship.
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