Connect the Drops

The IoW Coalition Newsletter 

Matthew Rader @ Unsplash

Our monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on all the news from the Internet of Water Coalition and our partners in the water data community. Sign-up to hear about upcoming events, recent blogs, water data news, and highlights from our ongoing projects!

Archived IoW Coalition Newsletters

  • Check out the latest IoW blog explaining Geoconnex
  • CUAHSI launches CyberWater beta version
  • Job openings at California Water Data Consortium and New Mexico Water Data Initiative
  • Updates from the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
  • #GageGreatness is live on X
  • Job Openings with Open Environmental Data Project, California Water Data Consortium, and Center for Geospatial Solutions
  • Meet True Elements’ Water Quality Data Portal tool
  • Boise State and University of Pittsburgh receive NSF Grants
  • Explore DataStreams’ new website at
  • The Texas Water Data Hub is awarded a grant from the Water Foundation
  • Job openings at the California Water Data Consortium
  • Introducing the IoW Service Center at the Center for Geospatial Solutions
  • Job openings at Center For Geospatial Solutions and TX Water Development Board
  • Western States Water Data Access and Analysis Tool (WestDAAT) blog
  • Job openings with the NM Water Data Initiative
  • NC Rural Water Association video
  • Water Policy Group report
  • Xylem white paper
  • Beta version of the Texas Water Data Hub released
  • New USGS water data graphs
  • Job postings from WDC, EPA, and CUAHSI
  • USGS and IoW Collaboration
  • IoW Collaborative Project Storymap
  • New Mexico Water Data Workshop
  • WestDAAT Webinar Video Released
  • WestDAAT launch
  • BoundarySync videos
  • CA UPWARD project
  • Visualizing Spatial Patterns in WQP data
  • Water in the Texas Desert new EDF storymap
  • Deadlines extended for CUAHSI funding opportunities
  • Annual CA Water and Environmental Modeling Forum Meeting
  • Putting Data to Work a new report from the California Water Data Consortium
  • Water Loop Podcast featuring Jose Aranda on The Color of Water initiative
  • CUAHSI survey of water science faculty

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