Getting to Know the Internet of Water Team

Getting to Know the Internet of Water Team

A founding member of the IoW team, Kyle Onda knows a thing or two about the lengths it takes to translate the IoW Principles into practice. His diverse background offers a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Now, in his new role as Director of the IoW at CGS, he is poised to advance the vision of modern water data infrastructure even further.

Bringing Big Data to the Basin: Transforming Nutrient Tracking with The Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory

Bringing Big Data to the Basin: Transforming Nutrient Tracking with The Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory

The Hypoxia Task Force, made up of the 12 mainstem Mississippi River states, works to improve water quality in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin. The Great Lakes to Gulf Virtual Observatory integrates water quality data with land use and conservation practices information, helping to track progress on nutrient loss reduction and guide decision-making.

The Texas Water Data Hub: Starting to Trot, Looking to Canter

The Texas Water Data Hub: Starting to Trot, Looking to Canter

When last we met, back in September 2021, the Texas Water Data Hub was truly in its infancy. Fast forward over a year and a half, and the beta version of the Texas Water Data Hub is out of the barn! Was it a smooth process to get to where we are? Well, no, not exactly. We’ve had a few obstacles pop up along our path, but we get back on the trail each time.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Water Data: USGS and the Internet of Water

Unlocking the Full Potential of Water Data: USGS and the Internet of Water

The USGS is the world’s largest provider of in situ water data and supports the backbone systems for authoritative US water data. And yet, much of the country’s core water resources data are not managed by USGS. The Center for Geospatial Solutions is helping the USGS to address this gap by developing a widely accessible, comprehensive water data commons.

The IoW Technology Adoption Program in New Mexico

The IoW Technology Adoption Program in New Mexico

A culture of modern data management has begun to take hold in the water management community. Leaders in state agencies across the country are beginning to recognize that better water data infrastructure helps them to be more effective and efficient in managing their water resources. The path to reach this goal, however, is still often unclear.