June 2019 Meeting Minutes

This was a brief meeting to update the advisory board on new hires and movement towards potential pilot projects for the IoW. There was some conversation on the process for expanding and diversifying the advisory board.

Policy Associate Position Open for the Internet of Water

Policy Associate Position Open for the Internet of Water We are seeking a Policy Associate for the IoW Project. For the complete position description, please see:https://careers.duke.edu/job/Durham-RESEARCH-ANALYST-NC-27710/569286400/?locale=en_USThank you for your...

Water Information and Management Systems Workshop

The WIMS workshop and USGS Water Use Data Collaboration are providing a forum for states and others to exchange information around the status of water use data science, state agency strategies for getting to high-quality water use information, including online reporting, automated data checking, and remote-sensing tools.

Kyle Onda

Kyle Onda

Kyle Onda Associate Director, Internet of Water Center for Geospatial Solutions, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy E: konda@lincolninst.edu T: (919) 613-8747 Kyle Onda is the Data Architect for the Internet of Water, and is thrilled to play a role in cataloging water...
Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program

Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program

The Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting (SSWSF) program’s data are widely used by agricultural communities, government agencies, private businesses, and recreationists to inform day-to day operations and broad decision-making. We compiled numerous case studies documenting the economic value of the SSWSF program to show the benefit-to-cost ratio for different users. We found that 38% of the time the benefits from a single case study more than covered annual program costs.

Smart Water Infrastructure

This interactive event will feature a cross-sector panel of leaders discussing the future of smart water infrastructure solutions-how they can be deployed to solve our most pressing water infrastructure challenges, and the role policymakers can play in making those solutions a reality.

California Water Data Science Symposium 2019

This year’s Symposium will revolve around the theme of Open Water California- Innovating Through Integrating and Expanding the Water Data Community. This is an important thing as more water data are being collected by a more diverse group of citizens and organizations than ever.

California Water Data Summit 2019

The Fourth Annual Water Data Summit will feature leaders from California’s most innovative public agencies, companies and academic institutions who are using data to better manage water resources throughout the state.

Hydroinformatics Conference 2019

The 2019 CUAHSI Conference on Hydroinformatics will focus on how hydroinformatics can be applied to advance scientific knowledge, inform policies, and create more effective real-time responses.

Ashley Ward

Ashley Ward

Ashley Ward Engagement and Outreach Associate, Internet of Water Water Policy Program, Nicholas Institute, Duke University E: ashley.ward2@duke.edu T: 919-681-9647 Ashley’s career has focused on engaging communities to identify and address issues, and helping...