Internet of Water Roundtable: Colorado River Basin

The Aspen Institute and Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions are hosting a series of roundtables about the Internet of Water in different geographic regions and with different sectors. This roundtable focused on three ongoing projects, which are all working toward laying a foundation of open and interoperable water data, and all have significant applications for water management in the Colorado River basin: the Internet of Water (IoW), the Water Data Exchange (WaDE), and the OpenET project.

Funding public data

Funding public data Last Updated November 26, 2018 Rapid changes in technology require continual investments to update of data infrastructure and ensure data are preserved and available for future use. However, charging for data typically results in decreased usage...

Making public data FAIR

Making public data FAIR Last Updated November 26, 2018 FAIR data principles have evolved from a collective effort of stakeholders seeking to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. The Internet of Water supports the adoption of these principles....

Methods for valuing data

Methods for valuing data Last Updated November 26, 2018 Brief descriptions are provided for methods that data producers, hubs, and users can use to assess the economic value of data (Table 1). Links to full descriptions are provided for each method. Table 1: Data...

Keeping Research Data Safe method

Keeping Research Data Safe method Last Updated November 26, 2018 Keeping Research Data Safe (KRDS) is a method data repositories use to track their costs and benefits. While designed for research-based data repositories, the method can be modified to describe the...

Consumption-Based method

Consumption-Based method Last Updated November 26, 2018 Data hubs are about sharing data and may not know how those data are being put to use. Instead hubs track the number of downloads and unique users for each dataset. A consumption-based approach to the Modified...

Decision-Based Valuation method

Decision-Based Valuation method Last Updated November 26, 2018 The Decision-Based Valuation method, proposed by J.B. Stander in 2015, seeks to estimate the relative contribution of data (similar to the Business Model Maturity Index method) while also accounting for...

Business Model Maturity Index method

Business Model Maturity Index methods Last Updated November 26, 2018 The Business Model Maturity Index method, proposed by Dell, assesses the value of data based on their relative contribution to a final outcome. This top-down approach relies on use cases and allows...

Market methods

Market methods Last Updated November 26, 2018 Market Methods can be used to value data by understanding the user’s willingness-to-pay. Market methods assess the value of data as revealed through markets and experiments or as stated on user surveys. Download Market...

Modified Historical Cost method

Modified Historical Cost method Last Updated November 26, 2018 The Historical Cost Method treats data as an asset whose value is at least equivalent to the cost of data collection. This method was modified by Moody and Walsh (1999) to account for the unique attributes...

Valuing public data

Valuing public data Last Updated November 26, 2018 Public data are collected because they are essential to government function. Whether or not they are freely available to the general public varies between governments. Here we explore what public data are and the...

Moving towards valuation by data purpose

Moving towards valuation by data purpose Last Updated November 26, 2018 Data are collected for different purposes, shaping their potential value. Here we explore common costs associated with data collection and the impact of different data purposes on its attributes...